Post Doctoral Fellow

Dr. Venuka Durani
Current Affiliation: DST-INSPIRE Faculty, Macromolecular Crystallography Section, HP&SRPD, BARC stationed at Protein Crystallography Beamline (BL21) Indus 2 Synchrotron, RRCAT, Indore

Dr. Jessy John
Current Affiliation: Faculty in the Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai, India

Dr. Padmani Sandhu

Dr. Preeti Pandey

Dr. Sumita Das
Current Affiliation: Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Research Area: Development of Nanomaterial-based platform for Pancreatic Cancer Biomarker Detection

Dr. Aparna Vilas Dongre
Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor- Microbiology, Mithibai College, Vile Parle West, Mumbai

Dr. Tinku Dhankar
Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor - Chemistry, Kishinchand Chellaram (KC) College, Churchgate, Mumbai
PhD Students

Dr. Ajay Singh Tanwar
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA
Research Area: The project is related to the calcium activated potassium channel (SK Channel). I am trying to study the structural aspect of SK channel-Calmodulin complex and their gating mechanism.

Dr. Aruna Bitra
Current Affiliation: Senior Scientist at Pfizer Inc., La Jolla, California, USA

Dr. Anwesha Biswas
Current Affiliation: She is currently an oil painter based in Chicago. She is a member of the Oil Painters of America (OPA) association and has her paintings in various private collections in the USA and England.

Dr. Hussain Bhukya
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Research, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Research Area: Molecular mechanism of bioactive natural product synthesis by mega-enzymes. This aim is approached by employing a combination of X-ray crystallography and single particle cryo-EM.

Dr. Shamayeeta Ray
Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, USA
Research Area: Her work pertains to transport proteins including membrane-bound channels and secondary transporters, primarily focussing on the molecular mechanisms of ligand binding and substrate selectivity for a transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channel, TRPA1.

Dr. Vandana Gaded
Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Davis, USA
Research Area: Her research involves the study of RNA editing adenosine deaminase enzymes using techniques from protein biochemistry, enzymology and X-ray crystallography.

Dr. Sukritee Bhaskar
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Research Area:

Dr. Ruchika Bhujbalrao
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow, RNA Biology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, USA
Research Area:
Structural and functional studies of RNA degrading machines in bacteria and humans
Understanding complex gene-environment interactions in inflammatory bowel diseases

Dr. Nandini Sharma
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Associate, The Hormel Institute of Medical Research, University of Minnesota, Austin, USA
Research Area: Structural and biochemical mechanism of Purine Metabolism

Dr. Jayanti Singh
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Associate, Imperial College, London
Research Area:

Dr. Juhi Singh
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow, Washington University, St. Louis
Research Area: Mechanism of Ribosomal fidelity

Dr. Subhankar Sahu
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow, IBMP-Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), University of Strasbourg
Research Area: Development of Biosensing Strategies for Real-Time Virus Detection and Surveillance.

Dr. Rohita Roy
Current Affiliation: Post Doctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Research Area: Design of diagnostic biosensors for detection and treatment of diseases.

Dr. Dilawar Singh
Project Students
Ankita Rane
Akansha Manghrani
Harshada Malvi
Priyanka Dhakane
Pranay Joshi
Sreelaja Sasi
Sini Porathoor
Sneha Joseph
Anjum Shaikh
Essak Khan
Areetha D'sousa
Danish Khan
Suraj Sahoo
Mayank Boob
Vasudha Iyer
Charu Khera
Payal Arora
Shaifali Saroha
Ajit Yadav
Priyanda Giri
Arunima Bhattacharya
Sushant Kumar Pal
Soumyashree Ghosh
Vanshika Agarwal
Priyanka Swami
Pushkar Sane
Akshay Sawant
Mayuresh Chari
Jyotirshikha Dalal
Jaskaran Singh
Kartik Dixit
Anmol Kamath
Arushi Bhandari
Suketu Dutta